Telegram chatbot is a great way to automate customer service tasks, collect feedback, and provide updates. Bots are also easy to access and can be used from any chat on the platform.
Inline requests allow users to send a message to your bot directly from any chat on Telegram. Deep linking allows you to create special links that can send additional parameters to your bot. Additionally, some bots can be added to a user’s attachment menu.
Easy to use
Telegram chatbots are easy to use, but they require some technical knowledge to manage. Using the bot framework, you can register new bots, set commands, add menu buttons, and customize their appearance. You can also change the bot’s name, description, and username. Once you have registered a bot, it will display an API token in the group chat list.
For example, if you are a business owner, a chatbot can help you monitor and manage your company’s performance. You can even use it to track your revenue and reduce costs by automating repetitive tasks. It can also send reminders, manage to-do lists, and integrate with third-party productivity tools.
Easy to access
A Telegram chatbot is an intelligent program that can help your business with a variety of tasks, from answering customer questions to processing orders. Its automation capabilities can save your team valuable time and resources, allowing them to focus on more strategic projects.

In addition to facilitating customer interactions, Telegram chatbots can also provide helpful information on products and services. They can help users navigate product catalogs, process transactions, and make purchase suggestions. These features can improve customer satisfaction and increase sales.
To create a bot, open the Telegram app and type “/newbot” and select your name and username. The name should be unique and shouldn’t contain spaces, while the username must end with “bot”. You will then receive a message containing your access token. You can use this to link your bot with a website or use it to trigger smart pop-ups. You can also integrate a Telegram bot with your e-commerce website to track user behavior and improve your marketing strategy.
Easy to market
With over 800 million active users worldwide, Telegram is an excellent platform for brands to engage with consumers and promote their products. The feature-rich messaging app offers a cost-effective way to disseminate content to a wide audience, removing geographical barriers and allowing businesses to effectively communicate with customers and potential leads.
Start by creating a public or private channel or group that aligns with your business’s goals and objectives. Make sure the group name is clear and reflects your brand identity, and craft an attractive and informative description. Also, consider incorporating effective calls-to-action (CTAs) to drive traffic and increase conversions.
Telegram chatbots are powerful tools for delivering personalized content and providing support. These scalable, automated solutions reduce wait times and improve customer engagement. They can be easily integrated with enterprise systems for seamless omnichannel experiences. Additionally, they can automatically reply to standard queries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex tasks. This enables efficient communication and improves productivity.
Easy to manage
Creating and managing a Telegram chatbot is easy. You can access and edit your bot in the same way that you access other Telegram apps and groups. This allows you to create and customize your bot’s capabilities to meet the specific needs of your customers. This can include linking your bank account with chat messengers and using a bot to collect leads, offer customer support, or display portfolios.
The most common way to interact with a Telegram bot is through direct messages or commands. These are entered in the app’s search bar. Then, the bot will respond with the information or command you requested.
To build a Telegram chatbot, you can use a no-code solution like ChatGPT to set up your bot and get an API token. You can also integrate it with your CRM, ERP, or other systems. If you want to stop a Telegram chatbot, you can either mute it or block it from your chat.